On July 20, the University of Michigan unveiled “MCity”, a 32-acre mock city similar to a movie set with downtown and r …
Bringing Web Technologies to “Native” Mobile Application Development
Nowadays web technology (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) is everywhere! In recent years, the fast-paced development of web te …
Facebook Brings eCommerce Customer Service to Messenger
eCommerce and changing technology has altered how online and offline retailers interact with customers. For online store …
High-Speed Trains, High-Speed Technology
The train conductor announced “We are now entering the new high-speed section from Kalamazoo to Chicago at 100 miles per …
5 Ways To Get the Most Out of Your Relationship with a Developer
You’re probably reading this because you’re looking for a developer to work with to make your mobile (or web) app vision …
February 2015 Newsletter
Send Off the Year of the Horse and Welcome the Year of the Goat
Every year when I travel to Asia to celebrate Chinese New Year, I usually bring back a ton of stuffed animals for the an …
A Note from the Director of Offshore Operations: A Day in the Life
9:00am EST: “Keith, we have a crisis! Our client’s website is down and I couldn’t get hold of anyone!! …
Reinventing How We Use Email
Email is messy. For many people, managing cluttered inboxes, promotional offers, and spam is an arduous task. And that …
Google announces Inbox to replace Gmail
Ever since Google’s signature email program first hit the web in 2004, the company sought to make the onerous task of s …
September/October 2014 Newsletter
Phygital: Bridging Digital and Physical Spaces
The digital revolution began in the 1950s with the transformation and transposition of analog and mechanical activities …
Two “A” Players, Apple and Alibaba
Part One: Apple I left for China the day after the keynote speech at the 2014 Apple Developer Conference. Admittedly, I …
Want to learn to develop software? Go to Girl Develop It!
Over the past several months, large tech companies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, and most recently Microsoft ha …
A Powerful Experience Using Technology to Find Family Roots
For every popular internet technology in the U.S., there is a similar one in China. There is Baidu which is comparable t …