September/October 2014 Newsletter

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Logic Solutions Newsletter Banner September/October 2014

A Note From the Chief Technology Officer

Angela recently asked me for a “note from the CTO” to use in our upcoming newsletter. I stopped laughing after I knew she was serious. Unlike the cool marketing team, I am not a cool guy. I’m a geeky technologist, even though my picture of the family at a recent wedding indicates that I can still bust a move. After Angela somehow convinced me that being geeky was “in” and that wearing the same U of M shirt each Friday was, in fact, cutting edge, I agreed to write a small paragraph.

I told Angela what I wanted our clients to know. Now it was her turn to laugh.

matt's family“I want clients to know that we want a personal relationship with them!”

She said that sounded a little creepy. I am not talking about anything creepy or weird, I am simply talking about making a personal connection with clients. I like to know if my clients are married (again, not creepy!), if they have kids, what hobbies they like, if they are a U of M alumni (of course these are my favorite clients), what they did over the weekend, etc.

Why? Because everything is easier when you know someone: Understanding their goals in the project, having difficult conversations with them, celebrating with them when our Logic-built app wins them an award. It is the personal relationship that you build with a client that ensures success.

Sure, we have the excellent staff, the right history and the great processes, which by the way are all awesome, but the part that I want clients to remember and know is that we “get them.” We try very hard to understand what they want and the path to take them there. All pieces of the puzzle are needed. We excel with these pieces, which is why we have many repeat clients. But the first step is knowing the client and creating that personal relationship.

Matt Sarkesian
Chief Technology Officer

Editor’s Note: We love to work with clients from all places, even ones that didn’t go to one particular Big 10 school.

Connect with Matt on LinkedIn

Jimmy’s Corner – Two “A” Players, Apple and Alibaba

Apple-LogoI left for China the day after the keynote speech at the 2014 Apple Developer Conference. Admittedly, I have not really paid a lot of attention to Apple’s talks since Steve Jobs passed away. There is no better person to introduce a product other than Steve Jobs. I used to be hooked to every talk he gave because they were just mesmerizing. He had a special ability to lead the audience through the birth of a new product. Some of Steve’s catch phrases such as “insanely great,” “it just works,” or “there is one more thing” have been an frequent reminder to me while doing product development.

I particularly loved his introduction of iPad. It went something like, “If there is a third category of product besides a smartphone and laptop, it must be good in doing something better than a smartphone or a laptop, such as browsing internet, reading emails, listening to music, watching movies, playing games, storing photos, reading an eBook.” …Read the whole blog.

Check Out Our Downloads Page

Hiring-A-Mobile-Developer-smLooking to create a mobile app but don’t know where to start? Feel like you don’t know enough about wearable technology? Logic is here to help!

Our fancy new downloads page is packed full of helpful guides and infographics to help you navigate the ever-changing tech world. Learn more.

Client Spotlight: Pest Masters

PestsMastersLogic Solutions helped Michigan-based pest management company Pest Masters update their dated HTML website by rebuilding it in WordPress. What did we do and how did it help?

Click here to read more.

New Hires: Mark Bankes and Philip Tsai

The Logic Solutions family expanded a little bit this past month. Mark Bankes joined Logic’s business development team while Philip will work as one of Logic’s fall technical interns.

Mark-BankesMark Bankes spent much of his career working with a number of successful start ups in both the midwest and Silicon Valley. Mark brings not just a wealth of knowledge in the industry but a passion to make Logic Solutions even better. He’s a graduate of Michigan State and will certainly be vocal about his school during this year’s football and basketball seasons.

PhilipPhilip Tsai is currently a graduate student at the University of Michigan studying human-computer interaction, a connection welcomed by many Wolverines around the office. Philip specializes in user interface and user experience and will help Logic in those areas during his time.

The Logic Solutions team strives to provide you with relevant and interesting information in our monthly newsletter. If you have feedback or suggestions, please email us at We look forward to hearing from you!
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