Sales Series Post #3: Securing More Face-to-Face Selling and Greater Brand Loyalty

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stuart-smalley_rodentYOU are the greatest competitive advantage your company possesses in sales.

Relationships are the single most important factor in most B2B sales conversions. Eight out of 10 sales are rapport-based, face-to-face conversions. Selling yourself is usually more vital to a sale than the value of your company’s products or services.

Therefore, as far as sales revenue is concerned, nothing is more valuable than the time you spend in front of your clients and prospects. Face-to-face interaction is pivotal, but it can also be hard to come by when outside sales reps are bogged down with administrative tasks, paperwork, and other redundant activities.

Rather than actively shaking hands and selling in the field, field reps are wasting too much energy on multi-tasking (data-entry and processing, preparing presentations, juggling print materials, etc.). These diversions—which can be easily automated—severely limit face-to-face interaction and slow down the sales cycle, with big implications on revenue.

Many companies are turning to technology in order to help sales reps greet and fully engage with more prospects. By freeing up time to sell and by enhancing relationships with clients and prospects, Sales Force Automation (SFA) solutions can raise a company’s sales revenue without it having to invest in more salespeople.

SFA solutions contain up-to-the minute sales materials, pricing and inventory information, digital product catalogs, and all essential contact management functions. They are controlled and updated from a backend server so that corporate can guarantee consistent data and marketing across the entire sales team.

In short, these apps secure more–and more persuasive–face-to-face selling time where the potential buyer can get to know you and forge a mutually beneficial relationship.

Moreover, research indicates that mobile apps have a “stickiness” effect—that engagement with mobile apps deepens the relationship between brands and end-users, in turn increasing brand loyalty.

We think Showcase can strengthen the bond between you and your prospects and raise your sales revenue.


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