Logic Solutions Hires to Multiple Leadership Positions in U.S. Offices

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Global IT firm hires senior technical leads, project manager, and marketing assistant

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—October 11, 2010—ANN ARBOR, MI—Logic Solutions, Inc. announced the decision to hire three senior technical leads, a project manager, and a marketing intern in their U.S. offices. The October hires are on the heels of the addition of technical lead Daniel Schultz in July. The tech leads and intern are based in the Ann Arbor, MI headquarters, and the project manager is working out of the Irvine, CA office. In addition, Logic expects to continue hiring in the fourth quarter.

Bruce Richardson, COO, states, “We are in the midst of a dramatic growth period driven by several significant project wins. In order to keep pace with the considerable influx of new work, while providing the same high quality service, we have added a number of excellent members to our team. Our successes have not been limited to the Midwest, and as such we are adding a project manager to our California office. He will supervise the numerous mobile application and strategy projects we are doing on the West Coast.”

Serving as senior technical leads are George Hanosh, Zhenwei “Dave” Xie, and Mark Kordyzon.

George Hanosh of Farmington, MI, has been in software development for more than 20 years, the last ten as an independent contractor specializing in the delivery of business intelligence. He strives to help clients understand and define their business rules to deliver clear technical solutions that enable business and facilitate decision making. Hanosh is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering.

Zhenwei “Dave” Xie of Ann Arbor, MI, has worked since 1999 as an IT consultant for numerous State of Michigan agencies. Previous to consulting, Xie worked with the full web application development life cycle, including project management and expertise in multiple database software. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Anhui Normal University, and a Master of Science in Finance and Computer Information Systems from Eastern Michigan University.

Mark Kordyzon of Tecumseh, MI brings to the position a wealth of experience as both a software developer and IT Director. He has also worked with the full application development life cycle, and possesses strong client communication and budgeting skills. His software expertise includes Visual Basic, SQL Server, Unix, Visual C++, Oracle, and many others. Kordyson attained his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Western Michigan University.

Nikolas Slupinski of San Diego, CA, joins the Irvine office as Project Manager. Slupinski has more than eight years of experience in marketing and project management, as well as six years in audio engineering. He has consulted various organizations on their IT needs, SEO tactics, and Web 2.5, and has also implemented many IT solutions including Microsoft Dynamics CRM; MS Exchange, ISA and MS SQL servers; LAMP environments and LAMP-based Content Management Systems. Slupinski holds a Master of Science in Business Information Systems from University of Applied Science, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Keeley Hamilton of Canton, MI, joins the marketing department as an intern. She will assist with Logic’s mobile strategy and development marketing campaign, website redesign, and administrative tasks. Hamilton is a student at Concordia University, Ann Arbor, where she is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration.


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