Logic Solutions Develops LegalHyena Mobile App for iOS and Android

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App provides access to easy-to-understand legal information

LSI_portfolio-LegalHyenaFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—September 11, 2012—ANN ARBOR, MI—LegalHyena.com announces the release of the LegalHyena mobile app for iOS and Android devices.  LegalHyena was developed by mobile technology firm, Logic Solutions.  Derived from the popular website LegalHyena.com, the LegalHyena app puts at your fingertips common legal information many people may encounter in their lives, such as identity theft, workplace injury, police searches, and more.

LegalHyena.com empowers young adults by giving them the legal information they need to advocate for themselves in daily situations. LegalHyena’s content, created by attorney and law instructor David Sutherland, is written in layman’s terms that give individuals an understanding of the basic legal knowledge necessary to protect themselves and know their legal rights in a multitude of situations.

As a segment of the population, young adults are least likely to know when they are being mistreated or exploited and also typically lack the resources to hire an attorney. This application is a must have for anyone who wants to level the legal playing field.

Ann Arbor’s Logic Solutions programmed the application to function on iOS and Android platforms, running on both Smartphone and tablet devices.  Once the application is downloaded, users have full access to content without an internet connection.

The home screen displays a menu of common legal issues such as Landlord/Tenant, Criminal Behavior, Minor in Possession, and Stalking.  The user selects a topic to read by simply tapping the menu item.  Scrollable panes provide a familiar, easy reading interface that is consistent with similar apps.

LegalHyena is available on Google Play and iTunes.


About Logic Solutions

Logic provides technology solutions and services, including custom mobile strategy and application development, web applications, eLearning, eCommerce, social networks, intranets, and comprehensive websites. Founded in 1995, Logic Solutions, Inc. is a privately held minority-owned corporation with headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan and locations in California and China.

For more information, visit http://www.logicsolutions.com.


About LegalHyena.com

Our mission is to provide individuals, especially those in the late teens to early twenties, with a fundamental understanding of their legal rights. Our website and mobile apps: www.legalhyena.com, enable and ensure that individuals have access to legal information with them whenever and wherever they are.


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